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ProFun Human Resources

Why Choose Us

By providing high-quality overseas study travel and human resources services, we create opportunities for our clients’ learning, growth, and career development, helping them to achieve their dreams and goals.

Rich Resources

  • We combine overseas study and travel services with human resources services to provide our clients with a comprehensive one-stop solution.
  • Full-time dedicated follow-up to understand your needs and meet your requirements.

Personal Follow-Up

  • Reasonable and transparent charges, aiming for a win-win cooperation.


  • Application for Foreign Labor Quotas

    We ensure that employers have all the necessary documents and qualifications to apply for foreign workers and are responsible for submitting applications on behalf of businesses according to their respective industries.

  • Arranging Interviews for Laborers

    After determining the attrition rate, we match candidates based on the employer’s requirements and the number of vacancies. Interviews are arranged to take place on the mainland, in Hong Kong, or online.                                                                                                                                           

  • Arranging Arrival Procedures and Visas

    Once the manpower is confirmed, we arrange for the signing of labor contracts and assist employees with the procedures at mainland foreign labor agencies and with the Hong Kong Immigration Department for visa arrangements to enter Hong Kong.

Application Plan:

— Assistance with applying for the Labour Department’s “Labour Importation Scheme For The Transportation Sector — Public Light Bus/ Coach Trade“, “Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme” (ESLS), “Labour  Importation Scheme For Construction Sector” and the Social Welfare Department’s “Importation Care Workers For Residential Care Homes


— Collaborate with Mainland companies and institute that export labor services to Hong Kong


— Assist employers in signing relevant contracts with labor for export to Hong Kong


— Assist labor in receiving the necessary training before coming to Hong Kong as per regulations


— Help labor to process relevant documents and work endorsements in accordance with regulations


— Assist employers in submitting applications to the Hong Kong Immigration Department for the admission of imported labor for employment in Hong Kong

Accommodation in Hong Kong

Accommodation in Hong Kong

Minimum Standard for Accommodation Provided to Foreign Workers: Each person should have a net usable floor area of at least 3.4 square meters.

Facilities: Equipped with a toilet, shower and cooking facilities, electricity and water supply, as well as basic furniture and items.

Districts: Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan, Ma On Shan, Tuen Mun.

Accommodation Arrangement

Accommodation Arrangement

Appropriate Housing: Providing suitable accommodation options based on the specific needs of the business.

Cost-Effective: Arranging accommodation on a large scale for more competitive pricing.

Ongoing Service: Regular inspections of accommodation to ensure that the quality meets the standards

Legal Consultation and Mediation Services

Legal Consultation and Mediation Services

Professional Advice: Providing expert advice to employers on complex human resource management issues.

Focused Approach: Offering non-litigation solutions to save time and costs.

Contract Review: Assisting in the review or drafting of labor contracts to ensure they meet legal requirements and protect the interests of both parties.

Follow-Up Services

Follow-Up Services

Assisting employers with procedures for terminating employment

Helping employers to rearrange the recruitment of foreign labor.

Assisting with communication issues between employers and employees.

ZhuHai Residence Hall

ZhuHai Residence Hall

Near the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge


Price: Approximately 1549 to 2199 RMB per month, fully equipped.